Hunters Point Family is committed to supporting and empowering our community's youth through funding comprehensive support services. By joining us, you are helping individuals become wise, compassionate and powerful leaders.
see how your donation can Make a Difference:
Two enrichment classes for 10 youths
Ten hours of tutoring for 10 youths
One month of intensive case management for two youths
A week of tutoring for one student
Admission for 10 youths to cultural institutions in the Bay Area
Healthy snacks for 50 participants for two months
A new computer for a program lab
Salary for one youth job for one month
Six months of essential materials and supplies for HPF educational programs
12 weeks of enrichment classes for 20 youths
By Check:
Payable to: Hunters Point Family
Mail to:
Hunters Point Family
150 Executive Park Blvd, #4500
San Francisco, CA 94124